Anna Dulisse

Climate and Conservation Writer

Relatable climate and conservation content that is both informed and hopeful.

Anna Dulisse » About

Hi, I’m Anna! I am honoured and thrilled that you have taken the bold step of investing in yourself and your family so you can spend more quality time together outside.

Why I write

My childhood was never boring and almost always loud. For most of my life, I lived in a small house with my parents and my five younger siblings and if I wanted solitude, I had to go inward. So I would.

My imagination ran amuck and my creativity ebbed and flowed. My mother claims I filled pages with stories as young as four, letting my inner world spill out onto looseleaf in front of me.

While my classmates dreamt of becoming doctors, lawyers, teachers, firefighters, or ballerinas, I pasted a 4×6 portrait of myself onto the back of a speckled notebook, and aspired to be a writer (and a meteorologist).

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But as time passed, I lost touch with that part myself. High school and university writing assignments came easily for me but the drive to write for a living, or calling, had somehow been muffled.

My adult work life was varied. I took courses and work opportunities that others often referred me to. I saw myself reflected in their eyes and wanted to live up to what they saw in me, and it worked, I was a hard worker, a nice girl, a team player. But I never stopped to ask myself, “What do you want to do with your life and how does this get you there?”

I completed a BA in Geography and have nearly finished a BSc in Biology. I worked for non-profits, governments, tour companies, cafes and a wildlife biologist. I protested against new oil and gas pipelines and founded a cycling advocacy group in my hometown. I was busy, it suited me, and it was all I knew.

Then in 2018 I gave birth to my daughter. I had a beautiful and fierce little person in my care, whom I loved deeply and the nurturing came naturally. But the stillness that came with it was new.

I was mostly alone. My husband was away for work often and there were days where aside from an brief conversation with a grocery clerk or barista, I spoke to no other adults. And it was in this stillness that a small feeling started to nibble at me. It was an uneasiness but also something familiar that I just couldn’t put my finger on until it, became a voice that said:

“Write. You need to write.”

First it was for my cycling advocacy, then it was for an environmental magazine, then journals, then fiction, blogs, and non-fiction. A rusty old tap had been turned on and I have no plans of turning it off.

I am lucky enough that I have time in both my professional and personal life to write. To process my world, thoughts, feelings, and opinions through words on a page or screen and publish them for no one or anyone to read.

Writing is a part of who I am, it is what I do, and why I am here.


How I write

What I write about

I’ve trapped ants, followed snakes, canvassed households, cleaned outhouses, and once spilled an entire glass of iced tea on a customer’s tight, white jeans.

I take my personal life experiences and mix it with my knowledge of and interest in people, wild environments and wildlife to inform my writing and bring your cause or passion to life.


Whether it is teachers coming together to improve air quality in their industry town, a genocide survivor working to educate the public about reptiles in Uganda, or a mushroom-foraging hockey-mom concerned about forest biodiversity, there is a compelling story about and for you waiting to be told and shared with the world. Together we will work to uncover that story and tell it in a way that feels authentic, informative, and hopeful.

My Background

I have spent most of my adult life searching for a purpose. I knew I wanted to make a difference in the world, but for years I struggled with how I could do this in a way that felt rewarding and genuine. I tried on multiple jobs, volunteer roles, and post-secondary pursuits. I dove into professions and projects not because I really wanted them but because other people told me I’d be good at them or because they made sense.

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It wasn’t until 2020, when my passions for writing, wildlife, environmental advocacy, and parenting bumped up against a period of self-exploration, that I understood I could create something unique, authentic, and truly me. By sharing my experiences, expertise, and tools I’ve collected along the way, I hope to help parents get outside with their families so they can have better relationships with themselves, the planet, and each other.

Learn About Anna Dulisse Nature Parenting Coach for Busy Families

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